Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stereotypical Political Racism, and Emotional Arm Twisting (part 1)

I'm just going to let rip.

I've typed a few opening statements, I really want to capture your attention. I know that I only have a fraction of a paragraph to do so. (I've also deleted many opening statements.) So here goes!

Please Listen To Me! I Need To Be Heard!
Ever Feel Like You re Cracking Up


What is it that has my set my blood to boil, and my voice to crack? Stereotypical Political Racism, or S.P.R.

Now what is S.P.R.? Since this is my blog, and the intent of this blog is to voice my opinion I will tell you what I think it is. It is an EVIL TOOL being employed by the Liberal Left in Washington D.C.

And here is the deal. Too many people will believe whatever they are told, and if it is written in a newspaper, why shucky darn it becomes fact. I had a friend. My friend was not too bright. He would be with me when I was visiting and talking current events, and as most people are inclined to, he did not wish to feel left out, so as best as he could, he shared what he has read, and his comment will stay with me to my last day. So will the faces of my friends when they heard what he said. What did he say?

He told us of how they had recently found several missing aircraft on the moon! He believed it to be fact,he was dead serious:IT WAS IN A NEWSPAPER! Oh how the Mainstream Media is shaping opinion, molding minds, being used as a tool
of theLiberal Leftist in Washington D.C.

And Sir, if you do not agree, You Are A Racist!
CATching Up On The News
Now this is a newspaper SO you know it is true, right?

Now, S.P.R., (orStereotypical Political Racism), I believe is a term that I just coined What else do you call it? They have catchy new terms for everything these days, and Emotional Arm Twisting is probably already taken by some Liberal Leftist out there. I say this, because this is certainly what they are doing, (and should list in their list of accomplishments).

Traditional New Years Cat Wrestling.
(No Kitties Were Harmed Emotionally or Physically in the Taking of this Picture.)

Let me expound:

If I disagree with the current Presidential administration, I am labeled a racist, if I am a Black person who disagrees with the President, I am guilty of hating my race.

We are hearing now, from peoples who now, openly admit that they felt Emotionally Arm Twisted into voting for Barak H. Obama. They were told that it was their DUTY as African-Americans to vote for Obama. Non African-Americans if they did not vote for Barak Obama, they were racist.

How was this fair? Is not each and every American Voter entitled to vote their conscience?

What happened to the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

MLK for Nov 15 Blog

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

A transcript and VIDEO of the Entire Speech can be found here:

In August 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. told the nation, (and the world) of his dream for racial harmony. How his dream was that color would no longer be an issue, that mankind would become color blind.

It took time, but things changed. Until now.


In February, 2009, the first African-American U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, in his speech at the Department of Justice told us:

Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards.

A transcript of his February 18th speech can be found here:

More and more we are being Emotionally Arm Twisted by Stereotypical Political Racism into fearfully going along with the pack. Afraid of repercussions, afraid of having the scarlet letter R emblazoned on our chests.

Emotionally Arm Twisted by Stereotypical Political Racism into remaining silent.


What do you think it was that stopped those in charge from officially noticing or reporting that Major Nidal Hasan, U.S. Army Psychiatrist was acting hinky that he was emailing a known terrorist.

They might be called racist. It may have impacted their military records if they were labeled So, to be Politically Correct those that noticed, that may have been able to do something turned a blind eye,Emotionally Arm Twisted into silence by Stereotypical Political Racism

The TSA screeners at the airports frisk Little Old Ladies while pretending not to notice reasonable suspects.

Are we not on the lookout for mostly Arab males who follow radical teachings of Islam? I AM NOT saying that all Arab males are terrorists, but that most terrorists are Arab males. That possibly NONE are 71 year old women.

Why Are We Frisking Granny?

We have gone so crazy with the fear of being called a racist, of being Politically Incorrect that we have, IMHO been Emotionally Arm Twisted to the point of being at further risk!

As Susan Powder was fond of saying. "Stop The Insanity!"

I plan on expanding on this point later on this week. This is a topic, I fully Believe needs to be addressed in this country, if we have the courage [balls] to address it.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Help! I'm In Twitmo, or Adventures of a Twitter User

Twitter. If you do not know by now what twitter is, I will tell you. Twitter is a message program online. Each message is limited to 140 characters. Twitter is a tool that enables people globally to reach out with their opinions and or personal message.

Twitter is widely used, and at times gets over loaded.

Twitter  Over capacity - Google Chrome 1062009 41913 PM.bmp

The icon for Twitter is a cute little blue bird. A message is called, a tweet. It is an easy to use program and you can follow others that share the same values and idesa that you do.

Friends, (or Twends) that you ADD onto your Twitter account is called FOLLOWING People befriending you are called FOLLOWERS

In Twitter, people add the prefix TW to everyday words to Twitterize them. In a nutshell, this is Twitter.

During the recent protests in Iran, when the government tried to close the lines of communication, protesters used Twitter to spread messages and get information out of Iran. The U.S. government even implored Twitter to not go offline for routine maintenance as not to close the Irain Protesters lines of communication.


Twits, (Twitterers, Twitter users) some changed their listed location as Iran during this time to hamper Iranians shut down efforts. Others changed their profile photos to green in a visual show of sollidarity with the Iranain protesers.

Support Iran Protests! #Iranelection on Flickr - Photo Sharing! - Google Chrome 1162009 82609 AM

Today, if you watch television, you will find newscasters and TV shows giving out their Twitter ID so that you can follow them. My twitter ID is:

Twitter  Home - Google Chrome 1162009 75135 AM

I think I have explained twitter for those who have not used it or heard of it. It is VERY easy to use.

Now that I have explained the use of Twitter. It is another way of communicating. People today are able to access and post on Twitter not only from their computers, but also from their cellphones, and at least one online game community that I am aware of.

SmallWorlds Trpster's 2nd Floor - Google Chrome 1162009 84731 AM.bmp

People even use Twitter to post photos for their Tweeps to see. Twitter is used so much that each day we are finding more applications written for the use of twitter users. People can access twitter not only from their home computer, but also from their cellphones using apps designed for this purpose.

The Iranian Protesters not only used to upload and post photos of the event, they also posted them via twitter for the world to see.

I just love this pic!! Made me smile! #tcot on Twitpic - Google Chrome 1162009 103059 AM

People twitter for fun, for business, and TO PROTEST This is why I first experienced a phenomenon Twits are calling TWITMO, or Being in TWITMO.

Twitter IS screening and or censoring Twitter accounts by limiting them by "placing them in time-out"

While in "time-out" you lose your voice. You are unable to send out tweets. They are unclear as to how long your account has been silenced for, only saying that you have exceeded your "update limit" and to wait a few hours.

NOTE People twitter back and forth all day, holding conversations, posting opinions and such. Until this week I have never had this happen to me. It also happened to many of my friends and fellow protesters.

What is it that we are protesting you ask? HEALTH CARE REFORM HR3962


Many of us do not like it, do not want it, and WANT TO BE HEARD

How are we trying to get our voices heard? By calling our Senators and Congress, open protests in Washington DC, Tea Parties and by contacting our Senators and Congress via twitter. Along with the Tweets to Congress To coordinate our effort we added the hashtag #tweetcongress

(2) Twitter  Search - #tweetcongress - Google Chrome 1162009 91939 AM

(Hashtags are identifiers that enable a twitter user to locate twitter messages that contain a topic they may want to search.)

I was contacted (tweeted) by a friend,(follower) who told me that was screening accounts and told how to check and see if my tweets were being screened, in essence, being blocked from the view of all save those following me.

I was told to send one out to @NancyPelosi. (Tweets are addressed in this fashion, the "at sign" and twitter account name. It's like sending a 140 character email really, except everyone can read it unless it is a Direst Message.)

So, I did this, I tweeted:

"Just Say NO to HR3962 Taxes on My Health Insurance
@NancyPelosi @boblatta @marybonomack #tweetcongress

And then I searched the #hashtag. GUESS WHAT! I had been silenced The Powers That Be at decided that I am not to be allowed the right of contacting my congressmen. I am unable to contact my Senator. (Unless, of course, they are following me. Like that is going to happen!)

Silence Is Gold on Flickr - Photo Sharing! - Google Chrome 1162009 93915 AM

I have been placed in TWITMO. Silenced for voicing my opinion. Unable to be heard via Twitter by none but my friend, those who choose to follow me, and unable to post an update on twitter for a cumulative time of over 7 hours.


In a world where OUR government, the U.S. Government, asked Twitter to fore go scheduled down time to enable the protesters in Iran the free use of twitter to
voice their opposition to their government, I, a natural born U.S. Citizen am being
disallowed this same basic freedom.

How am I feeling? #pissedoffatbeingcensored!

Friday, October 30, 2009

F.D.R., Obama, and the War of the Worlds.

On October 30, 1938 the Mercury Theatre on the Air performed a radio play called,
'War of the Worlds'. It aired over the C.B.S., (Columbia Broadcasting System) as a Halloween Episode. The radio play was directed and narrated by Orson Welles. It was an adaptation of H. G. Wells' novel, 'The War of the Worlds'.

(I always get H.G. Wells and Orson Welles mixed up. Silly huh?)

My creation was presented as a series of simulated news bulletins, which suggested to many listeners that an ACTUAL Martian invasion was in progress.

The story took place in the Garden State, at a place called Grover's Mill, New Jersey. The show was without commercial interruption and so the line between fact and fiction were blurred. Without the reminder of a commercial interruption, the listeners of the program began to believe that the events were real. Martians WERE attacking New Jersey! And so, the United States experienced mass hysteria, it was mostly seen on the east coast, in New York and in New Jersey.

war of the worlds

The 1938 mindset.

In 1938 Europe was in turmoil. The U.S. was just beginning to poke it's head out of an economic depression. F.D.R. was President and the country was hurting. Not only were people looking for a hand up and/or a hand out, they became to rely on the calming tones of their radios, and the dole of the U.S. Government.

The Fireside Chats by President Roosevelt. The music and the news broadcasts, all diversions of a brand new media, radio. Motion Pictures and the radio provided a respite from the realities of 1938.

Not only was the adage, "If you see it written in the [insert favorite newspaper here] it must be true" a believed truth, so also was that if you heard it on the radio from a newscaster, this must also be the truth. They would not lie, would they?

Today this event is still studied for the mass hysteria it created. Some people to this day still believe that the events WERE indeed real, and the broadcast a mere cover-up. (See the website )Interesting!

Why do I bring this up? Well, it was 71 years ago this week that the broadcast took place. Many radio stations over the U.S. will be replaying a recording of the original event as it happened. Others may do re-creations.

This made me think.

People will believe anything! I do not suppose that many of the hysterical people fearing for their lives from the Martians took the time to go outside and check the skies for spacecraft, for if they had, they would have found skies clear of spacecraft. Unfortunately, instead of thinking for themselves, they took the word of a talking head on the radio. They lived in fear for the duration of the 60 minute broadcast.

People are still doing this today. They are listening to the talking heads and lapping up their words like mother's milk. They are not going to the window and looking up to find the truth. Instead they are willing to allow the government to tell them what the truth is, and make all of their decisions for them. They falsely believe that the government knows better than they what they need.


Remember what happened to the world in 1938?!? Think back.

Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it!

Obama Halo

People in 2009 America are hurting once again, they are leaning in with baited breath. As those in 1938 sat to the side of their radios waiting for the voice of their beloved leader F.D.R., to hear the words of hope and change in his Fireside Chats. They are mistakenly waiting for Obama, Pelosi and Reid to tell them what they need and what they will do to fix it.

Reid Obama Pelosi

Scary stuff.

Happy Halloween!

I Am BEGGING People To Read My Blog

I enjoy twitter.

The conversations and the referrals to blogs and online articles. I didn't join to 'sell' my blog. Today that seems to be what I am doing on there however.

It has been six (6) months since my last post to IMHO. Not because I have had no opinion, but for the sheer fact that to the best of my knowing, not one person is reading my blog.

It makes me sad, how can I share on opinion to an empty room? It is a bit like, pardon the crudeness here, playing with myself. The joy of sex without the pillow talk afterward.


So, I am twittering requests to read my blog. I need to know if I should continue the effort. I can just as easily think these thoughts all in my head. It would be less work.

All I am asking is that if you read my blog, please let me know. You do not have to agree with my opinions. It is good to read a dissenting viewpoint.

Just let me know that you read it, if in your opinion I should continue this blog, or simply let it float off into the nothingness of cyberspace.

That is all that I ask.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Obama's Impression of Charles Durning (in the movie, 'Best Little Whore House in Texas.')

I really hadn't expected to tackle the topic of Obama again.

He seems to be the gift that keeps on giving, unfortunately this gift is nonreturnable.

Today's Obama speech in Strasburg reminded me of this little ditty.

Charles Durning, playing the Governor of Texas in the Hit Musical, 'Best Little Whore House In Texas':

Obama, Apologizing to Europe!
Crying, "Mia Culpa!" How dare he!!

I'm sorry President Obama, You Do Not Speak For Me!! What's to be next, are we going to pay reparations to the EU for our alleged complicity in the collapse of GLOBAL economy?

Oh wait, we are, (sorta) Mr. Obama has pledged ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. One TRILLION dollars to Europe to aid in their recovery!


President Obama, our government is BROKE. We are borrowing money from China to cover our bills.

Is Red China government "Check For A Check"?

After interest, can anybody tell me just how much this Trillion dollar gift to Europe will cost in the end??

When will the talking heads and the alternate powers that be stand up to this man? When will they halt his madcap mission?

Our country, nay, our very lives depend on it. I.M.H.O.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Prince puts foot in it, Michelle O puts arm around Queen


In an Intense Breech of Protocol: First Lady, Michelle Obama Puts Her Arm Around The Queen.

If I thought President Obama's use of two hands in his handshake with Her Majesty was a big "No, No the First Lady put her arm around the Queen!

Can I say it again, LOOK AT THE PHOTO She has her freaking arm around Elizabeth!!

You don't do this. You just don't touch the Queen!

It's another faux pas committed by the Obamas. It's all over the net:

LiveNews | Richard Maxton

America's First Lady will be kicking herself after cosying up to the Queen during a visit to Buckingham Palace.

Michelle Obama put her arm around the Queen's shoulder, an embarrassing breach of royal protocol almost identical to former Prime Minister Paul Keating's own 1992 slip-up, which saw him branded the "Lizard of Oz".

In 2007 former Prime Minister John Howard was heavily criticised for apparently putting his arm around the Queen as he lead her though a crowd. He denied he actually touched her but photographs suggest he came quite close.

Now, I understand both she and the President not curtseying. We are not subjects of H.R.H. The same reason We, The United States do not dip our flag.


Even the 'Little Dog who frightened the mouse under her chair' wasn't allowed to touch Her Royal Highness.

Oh my, what news awaits us tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

1, April, 2009: The Date Tells The Tale

April Fool's Day

Today was spent reading online blogs and posts. The got alot of my attention.

It began for me when I read a story about President Obama's gift to Queen Elizabeth II.

He gave her an iPod.

It really seemed like an April Fool's Day story. I mean, after the fiasco last month when President Obama gave British Prime Minister Gordon Brown a 25 DVD set of American Movies.

In the world of Political gift giving, it was less than the best chosen. And the set wasn't even formatted to play on DVD players in Great Britain.

Now, to be fair, I didn't even know that DVD players in Great Britain played in a different format. Well, I think that is just plain stupid. A different format!

The Prime Minister gave President Obama a pen carved from the mast beam of an old British sailing ship. The ship was last used in the service of freeing slaves, (or some sort).

As I said, this was last month.
It raised a giant scandal.

Add to this a few other perceived slights made during the Prime Minister's visit by the White House. It is enough to say that more than a few of us began to wonder if, (or what) slight the Obama's might make during their G-20 visit to London, U.K.

It was all the talk today.
Many wondered if it were not an April joke.

Sadly it was not.

Our President, Barack H. Obama, and his wife, Michelle graciously gifted Queen Elizabeth II of England... with an iPod.


This story topped and ousted one of the best April Fool's stories I had seen in a while. (This one had me researching!):
President Obama Tells GM and Chrysler: No More NASCAR

That story, posted by Car and Driver Magazine was all the buzz..........until Obama gave the Queen an iPod.

30 at last count the pages of comments about the iPod gift at

Many blasting Obama. Others using the comment board as a forum to snipe. Some saying the most ugly things about Obama. Now, I will be one of the first to tell you that I did not vote for him, but he is My President.

I do not have to agree with him, and doubt that I will very much if these last few months are any indicator.

I draw the line at making slinging racial slurs and posting stinging "us" against "them" rants. (Yes, I know, the Democrats won.)

Mud slinging and name calling are easy and do not take much thought.
IMHO these are the bastion of the truly misinformed. The idiots.

So, if only the Obamas could have stopped at the ill considered gift. But No!

Later I decided to view a youtube video of the President and Mrs. Obama greeting the Queen and her husband, Prince Phillip.

Did you watch the video?? I gasp in horror as I saw the First Lady push Prince Phillip out of the photo. In the video you can clearly hear and see the Prince show Michelle where he wanted her to stand and also tell her to stand there.

I had to look at it again. Then I saw the handshakes. Barack Obama just consumes the Queen's hand with both of his. The look on her face said it all.


If I had not caught the tweet about the video I would have only known of the photo. The photo shows President Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, and Michelle Obama. Poor Prince Phillip was cropped right out of the photo.

As a photographer I say: How Rude!

Needless to tell, but my day was spent surfing the web, reading articles on the visit.

(did you know that some people think that Barack Obama is not a U.S. Citizen...that he was not born in the U.S.?? I didn't until today.)

Later I found a story on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to Mexico. Her faux pas at the Shrine to the Virgin of Guadalupe two days ago...........but that will be for another day. My head hurts

Friday, March 27, 2009


"We The People", may fast becoming, "We The Enslaved", IMHO.

I read and listen to the news daily. As of late, I am starting to fear what I am hearing. (For those of you who may at first say to themselves that I probably watch only Fox News, WRONG.)

I do watch Fox News. I also watch CNN, BBC, NBCLA, CBSNY. I read the NY Times, Reuters, AP, CBS, ABC...................... it looks of interest I click on it.

And what I am hearing and reading makes me wonder if we don't need Senator McCarthy back in Washington.

O.K. McCarthyism may be a bit strong as an antidote, but

"we gotta do something!" if "We The People" stand silently still for too long, "We The People" may cease to exist.


Am I??

I hear and read of our Law Makers in Washington D.C. enacting selective legislation to punish only the AIG executives who were given legal bonuses. (Or will this legistlation affect others??..Hum??)

IMHO, if these people were not offered retention bonuses they would have probably jumped ship and left AIG to look for other jobs.

A Retention Bonus is what an employer offers an employee to keep them from leaving a failing, or merging company. As per human nature, when a situation is perceived as endangered the first impulse is to flee. These people at AIG had/have a unique skill set that IS/WAS needed at AIG.

IMHO any effort not taken to retain these employees would have been paramount to malpractice.

Now I see our Lawmakers in Washington D.C. trying to work their way into MORE private businesses. Making it their business how much money a person can earn at selected positions. Are they attempting to create a NEW CLASS SYSTEM?

I watch as Cuomo, (N.Y. State Attorney General) tells those who received bonuses at AIG that unless they return the bonus monies he will publish their names on a list. Pure Extortion IMHO.

What, or WHO gives Andrew Cuomo the RIGHT to EXTORT money from the AIG execs?? Any one here smell the ghost of Joseph McCarthy[ism] here???

And then I wonder what next?? If TPTB in Washington decided that certain people earn too much money and begin to force down the pay that people in a high paying field receive.....Will they not pay less in taxes?

Less Earned=Less Taxed (in an ideal world) Are they not, to paraphrase, "Shooting the golden goose." In this scenario, my taxes go up. Your taxes go up.

Let's not forget:
Card Check Forced Unionization.
Universal Health care Socialised Health care.

And more that I just don't bring to mind at the moment.
Oh, Yeah! I am tired of being called names by the Government.
..Nation of cowards..., United States Attorney General Eric Holder, Feb., 2009.

With all of this at the forefront of my mind, I am ending my post, and going to look for my pitchfork and torch. (In these times it might not be paranoia.)

I might need them when the mob starts.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What Do You Mean I Already HAVE a Blog??

What do you know. I already have a blog. I know that I have often thought of beginning one, but not that I had begun already.

Seems that I opened this account back in 2006.

In my own defense, I have been a bit busy.

Tomorrow is my, (and my husband's) 10th wedding anniversary. I wonder if he will remember. I know that we can't afford to go out, so I do not think I will mention it.

Then I wonder if NOT mentioning it is a bit passive-aggressive. You know, not mentioning it, letting the day go by only to later realize that my hubby will feel badly as he thinks that I know that he forgot it.

This is how "we" celebrated Valentine's Day. We couldn't afford to celebrate that day either, so I just let it slip by. I figured that it would be a relief on both of our parts to just not worry about scraping up a few dollars for this and that. (He did feel bad.)

Life has changed since 2006 when we could easily go out on a Friday night, enjoy a buffet and a bit of shopping. I miss those days.

Reality for me in 2009 is not having enough buckets to catch the drips coming through the ceiling when it rains.

Reality is no longer drinking milk with meals so that there is some for my child's cereal in the morning.

Reality was never speaking about any of this, holding instead my tongue with a stiff upper lip.

A stiff upper lip is highly over rated!

I am sick and tired of remaining silent!

So I decided to blog, and discovered that I had already established one. In 2006.

Like I said, I have been busy.

My oldest son is no longer at college.

At the beginning of his 4th year, discovering that school loans have all but vanished, he joined the Marine Corp.

In his defense, he has wanted to do this two years earlier. The very thought of my son in a Wartime Marine Corp scared me to death. I became hysterical and he relented.

He did quite well on the ASFAB, an aptitude test given recruits, to show what and where they will be of the best use. The test showed that he would be best utilized in the Intelligence field, and would do great at Quantico. Even recommending that he work security for the President.

The only hitch there, is that he owes $$ on college loans, so mo Presidential service.

Since we are at war he is learning how to, (in his words), "blow things up, and man the 50 cal."

He calls me on the weekends when he has Liberty. I do not know how I will handle it if or when he is deployed. I am already having nightmares about it.

My father was a Marine. My husband is a Marine vet. I wanted to be a Marine. I sure am not happy with my son being one! I'll admit it, I'm selfish about my kids. I want them alive.

I'm scared.

In the last 3 years:

My brother died of cancer.

My oldest son has joined the Marine Corp.

My youngest started High School.

All too much has changed in my little World, and I DO NOT LIKE IT!