Friday, April 03, 2009

Obama's Impression of Charles Durning (in the movie, 'Best Little Whore House in Texas.')

I really hadn't expected to tackle the topic of Obama again.

He seems to be the gift that keeps on giving, unfortunately this gift is nonreturnable.

Today's Obama speech in Strasburg reminded me of this little ditty.

Charles Durning, playing the Governor of Texas in the Hit Musical, 'Best Little Whore House In Texas':

Obama, Apologizing to Europe!
Crying, "Mia Culpa!" How dare he!!

I'm sorry President Obama, You Do Not Speak For Me!! What's to be next, are we going to pay reparations to the EU for our alleged complicity in the collapse of GLOBAL economy?

Oh wait, we are, (sorta) Mr. Obama has pledged ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. One TRILLION dollars to Europe to aid in their recovery!


President Obama, our government is BROKE. We are borrowing money from China to cover our bills.

Is Red China government "Check For A Check"?

After interest, can anybody tell me just how much this Trillion dollar gift to Europe will cost in the end??

When will the talking heads and the alternate powers that be stand up to this man? When will they halt his madcap mission?

Our country, nay, our very lives depend on it. I.M.H.O.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Prince puts foot in it, Michelle O puts arm around Queen


In an Intense Breech of Protocol: First Lady, Michelle Obama Puts Her Arm Around The Queen.

If I thought President Obama's use of two hands in his handshake with Her Majesty was a big "No, No the First Lady put her arm around the Queen!

Can I say it again, LOOK AT THE PHOTO She has her freaking arm around Elizabeth!!

You don't do this. You just don't touch the Queen!

It's another faux pas committed by the Obamas. It's all over the net:

LiveNews | Richard Maxton

America's First Lady will be kicking herself after cosying up to the Queen during a visit to Buckingham Palace.

Michelle Obama put her arm around the Queen's shoulder, an embarrassing breach of royal protocol almost identical to former Prime Minister Paul Keating's own 1992 slip-up, which saw him branded the "Lizard of Oz".

In 2007 former Prime Minister John Howard was heavily criticised for apparently putting his arm around the Queen as he lead her though a crowd. He denied he actually touched her but photographs suggest he came quite close.

Now, I understand both she and the President not curtseying. We are not subjects of H.R.H. The same reason We, The United States do not dip our flag.


Even the 'Little Dog who frightened the mouse under her chair' wasn't allowed to touch Her Royal Highness.

Oh my, what news awaits us tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

1, April, 2009: The Date Tells The Tale

April Fool's Day

Today was spent reading online blogs and posts. The got alot of my attention.

It began for me when I read a story about President Obama's gift to Queen Elizabeth II.

He gave her an iPod.

It really seemed like an April Fool's Day story. I mean, after the fiasco last month when President Obama gave British Prime Minister Gordon Brown a 25 DVD set of American Movies.

In the world of Political gift giving, it was less than the best chosen. And the set wasn't even formatted to play on DVD players in Great Britain.

Now, to be fair, I didn't even know that DVD players in Great Britain played in a different format. Well, I think that is just plain stupid. A different format!

The Prime Minister gave President Obama a pen carved from the mast beam of an old British sailing ship. The ship was last used in the service of freeing slaves, (or some sort).

As I said, this was last month.
It raised a giant scandal.

Add to this a few other perceived slights made during the Prime Minister's visit by the White House. It is enough to say that more than a few of us began to wonder if, (or what) slight the Obama's might make during their G-20 visit to London, U.K.

It was all the talk today.
Many wondered if it were not an April joke.

Sadly it was not.

Our President, Barack H. Obama, and his wife, Michelle graciously gifted Queen Elizabeth II of England... with an iPod.


This story topped and ousted one of the best April Fool's stories I had seen in a while. (This one had me researching!):
President Obama Tells GM and Chrysler: No More NASCAR

That story, posted by Car and Driver Magazine was all the buzz..........until Obama gave the Queen an iPod.

30 at last count the pages of comments about the iPod gift at

Many blasting Obama. Others using the comment board as a forum to snipe. Some saying the most ugly things about Obama. Now, I will be one of the first to tell you that I did not vote for him, but he is My President.

I do not have to agree with him, and doubt that I will very much if these last few months are any indicator.

I draw the line at making slinging racial slurs and posting stinging "us" against "them" rants. (Yes, I know, the Democrats won.)

Mud slinging and name calling are easy and do not take much thought.
IMHO these are the bastion of the truly misinformed. The idiots.

So, if only the Obamas could have stopped at the ill considered gift. But No!

Later I decided to view a youtube video of the President and Mrs. Obama greeting the Queen and her husband, Prince Phillip.

Did you watch the video?? I gasp in horror as I saw the First Lady push Prince Phillip out of the photo. In the video you can clearly hear and see the Prince show Michelle where he wanted her to stand and also tell her to stand there.

I had to look at it again. Then I saw the handshakes. Barack Obama just consumes the Queen's hand with both of his. The look on her face said it all.


If I had not caught the tweet about the video I would have only known of the photo. The photo shows President Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, and Michelle Obama. Poor Prince Phillip was cropped right out of the photo.

As a photographer I say: How Rude!

Needless to tell, but my day was spent surfing the web, reading articles on the visit.

(did you know that some people think that Barack Obama is not a U.S. Citizen...that he was not born in the U.S.?? I didn't until today.)

Later I found a story on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to Mexico. Her faux pas at the Shrine to the Virgin of Guadalupe two days ago...........but that will be for another day. My head hurts