Friday, April 03, 2009

Obama's Impression of Charles Durning (in the movie, 'Best Little Whore House in Texas.')

I really hadn't expected to tackle the topic of Obama again.

He seems to be the gift that keeps on giving, unfortunately this gift is nonreturnable.

Today's Obama speech in Strasburg reminded me of this little ditty.

Charles Durning, playing the Governor of Texas in the Hit Musical, 'Best Little Whore House In Texas':

Obama, Apologizing to Europe!
Crying, "Mia Culpa!" How dare he!!

I'm sorry President Obama, You Do Not Speak For Me!! What's to be next, are we going to pay reparations to the EU for our alleged complicity in the collapse of GLOBAL economy?

Oh wait, we are, (sorta) Mr. Obama has pledged ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. One TRILLION dollars to Europe to aid in their recovery!


President Obama, our government is BROKE. We are borrowing money from China to cover our bills.

Is Red China government "Check For A Check"?

After interest, can anybody tell me just how much this Trillion dollar gift to Europe will cost in the end??

When will the talking heads and the alternate powers that be stand up to this man? When will they halt his madcap mission?

Our country, nay, our very lives depend on it. I.M.H.O.

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