Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stereotypical Political Racism, and Emotional Arm Twisting (part 1)

I'm just going to let rip.

I've typed a few opening statements, I really want to capture your attention. I know that I only have a fraction of a paragraph to do so. (I've also deleted many opening statements.) So here goes!

Please Listen To Me! I Need To Be Heard!
Ever Feel Like You re Cracking Up


What is it that has my set my blood to boil, and my voice to crack? Stereotypical Political Racism, or S.P.R.

Now what is S.P.R.? Since this is my blog, and the intent of this blog is to voice my opinion I will tell you what I think it is. It is an EVIL TOOL being employed by the Liberal Left in Washington D.C.

And here is the deal. Too many people will believe whatever they are told, and if it is written in a newspaper, why shucky darn it becomes fact. I had a friend. My friend was not too bright. He would be with me when I was visiting and talking current events, and as most people are inclined to, he did not wish to feel left out, so as best as he could, he shared what he has read, and his comment will stay with me to my last day. So will the faces of my friends when they heard what he said. What did he say?

He told us of how they had recently found several missing aircraft on the moon! He believed it to be fact,he was dead serious:IT WAS IN A NEWSPAPER! Oh how the Mainstream Media is shaping opinion, molding minds, being used as a tool
of theLiberal Leftist in Washington D.C.

And Sir, if you do not agree, You Are A Racist!
CATching Up On The News
Now this is a newspaper SO you know it is true, right?

Now, S.P.R., (orStereotypical Political Racism), I believe is a term that I just coined What else do you call it? They have catchy new terms for everything these days, and Emotional Arm Twisting is probably already taken by some Liberal Leftist out there. I say this, because this is certainly what they are doing, (and should list in their list of accomplishments).

Traditional New Years Cat Wrestling.
(No Kitties Were Harmed Emotionally or Physically in the Taking of this Picture.)

Let me expound:

If I disagree with the current Presidential administration, I am labeled a racist, if I am a Black person who disagrees with the President, I am guilty of hating my race.

We are hearing now, from peoples who now, openly admit that they felt Emotionally Arm Twisted into voting for Barak H. Obama. They were told that it was their DUTY as African-Americans to vote for Obama. Non African-Americans if they did not vote for Barak Obama, they were racist.

How was this fair? Is not each and every American Voter entitled to vote their conscience?

What happened to the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

MLK for Nov 15 Blog

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

A transcript and VIDEO of the Entire Speech can be found here:

In August 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. told the nation, (and the world) of his dream for racial harmony. How his dream was that color would no longer be an issue, that mankind would become color blind.

It took time, but things changed. Until now.


In February, 2009, the first African-American U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, in his speech at the Department of Justice told us:

Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards.

A transcript of his February 18th speech can be found here:

More and more we are being Emotionally Arm Twisted by Stereotypical Political Racism into fearfully going along with the pack. Afraid of repercussions, afraid of having the scarlet letter R emblazoned on our chests.

Emotionally Arm Twisted by Stereotypical Political Racism into remaining silent.


What do you think it was that stopped those in charge from officially noticing or reporting that Major Nidal Hasan, U.S. Army Psychiatrist was acting hinky that he was emailing a known terrorist.

They might be called racist. It may have impacted their military records if they were labeled So, to be Politically Correct those that noticed, that may have been able to do something turned a blind eye,Emotionally Arm Twisted into silence by Stereotypical Political Racism

The TSA screeners at the airports frisk Little Old Ladies while pretending not to notice reasonable suspects.

Are we not on the lookout for mostly Arab males who follow radical teachings of Islam? I AM NOT saying that all Arab males are terrorists, but that most terrorists are Arab males. That possibly NONE are 71 year old women.

Why Are We Frisking Granny?

We have gone so crazy with the fear of being called a racist, of being Politically Incorrect that we have, IMHO been Emotionally Arm Twisted to the point of being at further risk!

As Susan Powder was fond of saying. "Stop The Insanity!"

I plan on expanding on this point later on this week. This is a topic, I fully Believe needs to be addressed in this country, if we have the courage [balls] to address it.


memoriadei said...

You are absolutely right. I'm 59 this month and can remember racism and see that what we have going on today is the use of the *word* racist to manipulate. I'm actually seeing far more women being treated like doo-doo than anyone of color. And that would be women of all color being treated like ... well, second class citizen doesn't describe the depth of it.

Tye One On! said...

Boy Oh Boy, Where Do You Start?

This topic is like a political piƱata -- break it open and all kinds of political "candy" scatters about.

The essence of this problem, however, is found in the manipulation of language and the gradual and irrepressible movement of the meaning of “racist” from being based on skin color to being based on one’s politics. The racist label only refers to “color” in so far as “colors” refer to different linguistic gang dress and paraphernalia. If you are part of the Progressive pack your “colors” include phrases such as “economic equality”, “social justice”, and “structural racism”. If you are one of the “Racist Right” you delude yourself with phrases such as “freedom”, “liberty” and “color-blind society” Skin color has not had anything to do with racism for over 20 years. Just ask Clarence Thomas.

Or perhaps, just ask Barack Obama himself. After all, Barack is of mixed race: half white – half black. If racism had anything to do with skin color, and skin color was extant in America today, he would never have been elected president. For Barack, his black half is the color of opportunity, the color that gives “street cred” to his claim of Progressive authenticity. Barack’s black heritage allows him to fuse skin color and politics into the explosive mixture that makes criticizing him such a delicate matter. Verbally assaulting Barack, especially in a racially-charged environment, is like shaking a bottle of nitro-glycerin. Regardless of how careful one is about avoiding criticism based on race, any comment can trigger an emotional explosion of anger and accusation.

So how do we combat this linguistic fascism? I will leave you with this music, certified 100% non-racist, to listen to as you contemplate an answer. Listen to the entire song and maybe the “green shoots” of an answer will begin to grow in your mind.

Mr. Black Tye

Mirac777 said...

IMHO, racism can be describing many different things today. I describe it as a conflict of morals to some extent. Some folks hate (or are afraid of) bikers thus "no colors to be worn" Some folks hate the opposite sex.Thus sprang up the women's rights movement, because of the actions of a few , a complete group is attacked and labelled against women.Some folks hate animals, yet when we see them torturing and killing gods creatures, have you ever heard anyone call them animal racists? Some rotten bastards attack children,do we call them child racists? Now in present day battles, if you are against liberal "policies" you are a racist.Never mind that you make valid points based on true facts to dispute the ignorance of most liberal policies, you are still a racist.In an epic way Obama himself is a blatant racist.He calls himself the first black president every day and chance he gets. What about the other half of his race? He lies even to himself, and everyone feels the need to give him a pass, especially the liberals and also the chicken shit P/C republicans, all in the name of being careful of his "feelings".Obama can be considered a racist in his own terms, the way he is denouncing christianity and promoting Muslims in a christian nation that he is supposed to be leading. Is this the "transformation he speaks of so often, out with God and In with Allah? Only he knows the answer there.Back to the liberal ideologies of anyone against their agenda being a racist.Are they so blind they can't see that their whole platform of socialism has failed in every country it creeped in on? Cant they see that the Muslims have worn out their welcome even in France today? To beg entrance to a country, take the oath to support and serve that country , only try to subvert that country to make it ripe to be taken over by your people has been going on for many many years.When I search for the true meaning of racism it is found in Islamic chants we hear more and more every day; "Death to all westerners, Allah is great!" After all, that isnt a chant against a certain people,its a chant against many diverse countries, made up of people from all parts of the world.Its a chant against freedom and liberty.And christianity !I am a racist, plain and simple. I stand against ANYONE who wants to take away the very freedoms that my country was founded upon, period.And I dont give a damn if you are black, green or purple, from Africa, Iraq or France, foreign or domestic,if you try to take away my freedom and invade America, you are my enemy! Your ideals are my enemy, and anyone helping you perpetuate those anti-american ideals is my enemy.